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Birth of a New Club in 2000 Under the Constitution of the Greek Football Club


Beginnings in 2000 and 1st Season 2001

The Western Warriors Football Club was formed exactly 40 years after the Greek Orthodox Football Club was established in 1961.

 The idea came about when some sons and their mates of a few past players of the Greek Football Club were discussing the fact the Club no longer existed. They suggested that maybe the Greek Football Club could be restarted so they could have the opportunity to play for the Club that their fathers had played for and they also wanted to enjoy the same comradery of playing football with their mates as their fathers had done before them.

 That conversation planted the seed for the formation of a new Football Club however the question was how could this become a reality.

 Many phone calls were made to past players and the feedback was mostly positive so a meeting was held under the Constitution of the Greek Football Club and even though the Club had been disbanded the bank account of the Greek Football Club Past Players Association was still active with a balance of approximately $1,000.  Past players also donated monies on the night to the tune of around $500 giving the Club a bank balance of $1,500.

 The meeting was well attended by approximately 25 past players all agreeing to proceed with the forming of a Football Club in Amateur League for the 2002 season.

 The new Club would be called the Western Warriors Football Club and a Committee was formed. Tom Frossinakis was President, George Evreniadis was Vice President and Football Director, George Frangoulis was Treasurer, Con Paxinos was Secretary, Social and Joint Sponsorship Co-Ordinator Nick Mourcella, Joint Sponsorship Co-Ordinator David James, Fund Raising Co-Ordinator Sharon Mourcella, SAAFL Delegate Manuel Frangoulis, Players Representative Con Nicholas and Committee Members Keith Davis, Nick Nicholas, Sam Nicholas and Tony Retsas.

 A steering Committee was formed to find a home ground with change rooms, toilets and showers for both teams, along with a canteen.

 Meanwhile shock, horror!!!  Late on a Friday afternoon George Evreniadis (Football Director) received a phone call from SAAFL advising him that a vacancy had become available in Division A8 and A8R for the season 2001 (that was one year earlier than expected). 

 The cutoff date for the acceptance of two teams to be included in Division A8 and A8R for 2001 was the following Monday morning so George Evreniadis rang Nick Mourcella straight away and because there was no time to call a special meeting between the two of them, they made a decision to accept the offer.  

A special meeting was held as soon as possible to inform the members of the inaugural Western Warriors Football Club Committee what was in the offering. Subsequently a vote was taken and it was a unanimous decision to go with the entering into the SAAFL for the season of 2001. The fact that the $1,000 affiliation fee was covered by the Greek Football Club Past Players monies which was in the existing bank account gave the members the confidence to move forward.

 Nick and Sharon Mourcella’s home became the registered office of the Club.  A separate phone line was installed a fax machine was purchased and a photo copy machine was kindly donated. An advertisement for “wanted players” was placed in the local newspaper with a story about the formation of the Western Warriors Football Club and the history behind it being The Greek Football Club.  The phone and fax machine were working overtime. About 6 players came from SMOSH West Lakes, 12 to 15 players from Sacred Heart and Ovingham and 6 to 8 players were sons and friends from the Greek Football Club past players.  All up there were around 45 players and enough to fill the two teams.

After ongoing negotiations with Underdale High School a year-by-year lease was signed and it would become the home ground for the Warriors. 

The Club also secured a healthy sponsorship with the Royal Hotel Torrensville and the Front Bar became the Club’s clubhouse. The team selections were displayed on the notice board in the front bar on Thursday nights after training. Player presentations also took place in the front bar on Saturday nights after the games and many a player and supporters would enjoy a meal together on a Saturday night.

PDR was outsourced to design and manufacture the Club’s guernsey.  The logo was designed and after many meetings with PDR the screen-printing process began with the colours of navy, royal blue and white and the sponsors name was displayed on the front and back of the jumpers and the G.F.C was printed on the back collar.

The Western Warriors Football Club was extremely proud and honoured to have the legendary West Torrens Champion and dual Magarey Medalist Bob Hank as the Patron of the Club. Bob and his wife Audrey supported the Club at functions and also gave encouragement and support to the players.

As a point of difference and following on from the success and generosity of past players and guests at The Last Hoorah in 1997 it was decided that when the WWFC was being formed that some monies would be raised each year and donated to The Make-A-Wish Foundation.

The Club’s major sponsor was L J Hooker Unley, owned by past Greek Football Club player Peter Economou, a veteran of 251 games for the Greek Football Club and his wife Sue.  With a most generous sponsorship to the Club from L J Hooker Unley the Club was able to purchase 2 sets of jumpers (50 in all).

Another past player for the Greek Football Club, Harry Stoubos, who played about 120 games for the Club was able to secure a sponsorship through his place of employment being Pepsi and their logo was displayed on the shorts which were plain navy blue with the SAAFL logo on the side. White shorts were worn for the away games and the socks were navy blue.

Football at Underdale High had been disbanded as it was to become a Soccer Academy so a search was on to find some goal posts. George Evreniadis taught at the school at the time and knew that goal posts had existed in the past.  Three sets were found behind the caretakers shed hidden under a heavy growth of weeds.  The oval was measured and 3 sleeves were placed in the ground and the goal posts were erected much to the approval of some of the students of the school.

Portable covered coaches benches for the home team and the visitors team were made and the time keepers tent was also made.

Now, who was going to be the Club’s 1st Coach.  Brett Copping was appointed playing coach of the A’s and Darren Blight was a non-playing coach of the B’s as he was required as an A grade player.

At the beginning of the 2001 season SAAFL advised the Club that they would be playing in A7 and A7R and not the A8 division and originally advised.

Two trial games were organized. The outcome being one win and one loss.

The day of the first game had arrived and WWFC were playing Colonel Light Gardens at home. However, on the Friday night before the game, Nick Mourcella a veteran of 167 games for the GFC met up with George Evreniadis and Tom Frossinakis, a veteran of 216 games for the GFC to discuss the fact that the B team were going to be two players short of the starting 18. So, this being the case Nick Mourcella and Tom Frossinakis signed the player registration forms that night and they lodged them to the Amateur League House on Saturday morning.

Football boots, shorts and socks were borrowed and off they went to play. Two minutes and forty-seven seconds into the first quarter Tom goes down with his first hamstring injury, off he goes and now one man short. Nick Mourcella plays on roving and resting in the forward pocket. Remember Nick and Tom had not trained for 22 and 25 years respectively.  Nick lasted the game and ended up kicking 1-1.

However, the worst was to come for Nick. The Field Umpire for the A’s never turned up so after playing for 80 minutes in the B’s Nick was forced to umpire the A’s along with the opposing team’s umpire.  He knew the game but not all the rules and did a fair job of umpiring and both Umpires were equally abused by players and supporters from both teams.  The Warriors lost heavily in a one-sided game and at quarter time the Warriors had held a slender lead.  Take the scores away, it was a great day with Con Nicholas being best for the Warriors. 

The first win for the Club was in the B’s when they beat Flinders Uni by two points.  It was the first time the Club song was sung.  It was nearly a double win but sadly the A’s went down in the last quarter to end up short.

In one game at home Con Nicholas was felled by an opposing player and was repeatedly hit whilst on the ground. Con was taken to hospital by ambulance. It was a very cowardly act by the opposing player, however, Con’s team mates made sure that the player would regret his actions and was subsequently harassed throughout the rest of the game. It was reminiscent of the days when the Greek football players would look out for each other on the field.

The A’s first win was against Salvation Army Saints. The A’s were down at half time and the Coach reminded them they would be bottom if they lost however they ended up winning by a big margin. Full forward Darren Ellul kicked 12 goals.  Wins were far and few between with the A’s winning approximately 5 games for the first year and finished well down on the ladder.

The Club’s first Presentation night was held at the Italian Club on Carrington Street and the best on ground votes were counted at the event. 

Brett Copping won the A Grade Best and Fairest.

Jim Antonopoulos won the B Grade Best and Fairest.

During the count Con Nicholas was well in front of the counting until he got seriously injured and he did not play football again that season.

All in all, a very progressive year.

 2001 WWFC Match Reports

 2001 SA Amateur Football League Annual Report

2001 SAAFL Report - Matches played by players at WWFC


Season 2002

With the delay of announcing the Senior Coach for 2002 Brett Copping decided to apply for a coaching position at Macclesfield in the Adelaide Hills League. At the same time the Western Warriors had agreed to re-appoint Brett as their senior coach he had been offered the role at Macclesfield which he accepted.  The Warriors were left red faced and without a Coach.  With the season fast approaching the Club advertised for a Coach.  There were two applicants and one being Simon (Sappi) Saprianidis, a former Greek Camden Premiership player, State player and back-to-back premiership player in 1990-1991 in A1.  After the interview process Simon was appointed senior Coach.  From that day on it was full steam ahead. 

Assistant Coach was Jason Scali who played in the Sacred Heart College Senior Schools 1st 18’s.  Then he played in a Woodville West Torrens Under 19 Premiership team.  He showed skill and knew where the goals were.  He played in the midfield and forward.  George Charalabidis took on the B Grade Coaching role. 

Sappi’s goal was to make the finals first and then take it from there. Numbers were good at training and training was hard and competitive just like in match conditions.  The Warriors were ready for combat.  First trial game was against West Croydon at West Croydon and won that well.  Unfortunately,

Game one was against West Croydon and both teams of the Warriors teams won, and everyone celebrated at the Commencement Cabaret.  During the year there were many tough and rough games against sides like West Croydon, Cedars, Houghton and Adelaide Uni.  The Warriors lost approximately three games for the year and finished third at the end of the minor round only to be beaten by Cedars by five points in the 1st semi final.  Sappi, his team and supporters were shattered.

Jason Scali won the A’s Best and Fairest.

Jim Antonopoulos won the B’s Best and Fairest.

Presentation night was held at Scampi’s Restaurant at Glenelg and was well attended. The Club was honoured to have  its patron Bob Hank in attendance with his wife Audrey. All in all a very successful year.

 2002 Football Director’s Report



2002 SA Amateur Football League Annual Report


Tom Frossinakis stepped down as President to take on a teaching job in the USA. Nick Mourcella was elected President and George Evreniadis was elected Vice President.

The year saw major changes in as far as it was to be the WWFC last year playing at Underdale High School and during the off season in 2002 the WWFC was made aware that the old bar room of the West Torrens Football Club at Thebarton Oval would become available for rent in the coming 2003 season.

SA Baseball was the main leaseholder of Thebarton Oval at the time and negotiations were started and meetings were held with the CEO Michael Carter where upon an agreement was reached that the WWFC would occupy the premises during the 2003 football season on Thursday and Saturday nights.

The WWFC was not able to play football on the Thebarton Oval during the 2003 season as it was leased to West Adelaide Soccer Club. WWFC continued to use Underdale High School oval as their home ground and it was the hope that WWFC could possibly have Thebarton Oval as its home ground in the season 2004.

When the Warriors took over the lease on the bar room it was in a state of disrepair.  A big clean up was undertaken and repairs were carried out on the refrigeration units and toilets were repaired and cleaned. Jack and Irene Psellos donated approximately 15 café tables and around 60 chairs and a cash register. Wine and drinking glasses, crockery, cutlery many kitchen and general items were purchased.   

A new honour board, player profile and notice board were donated and erected. A pay phone was installed and connected and a pin ball machine and billiard table were hired.  The WWFC applied for a Liquor License which was granted and the bar room was now looking like Clubrooms.

Darren Ellul was appointed Coach of the A team and George Charalabidis was Coach of the B team.

The A’s started off the season with an encouraging big win over Port District 23-13 to Port District 9-5. It was followed up by another win against Edwardstown 12-10 to 9-13. Next win was 3 weeks later with a 3 point win against Wingfield Royals 13-17 to 13-14 and they went on to win 4 more games and finished in 9th position with 7 wins.

Leading goal kickers for the A’s were Jason Scali with 48 goals, Darren Ellul with 33 and Nathan Bevan with 29 goals.

Best and Fairest for the A team was 1st year player for the Club Pat Carbone.

During the season the Club held functions at the Thebarton Clubrooms such as Fancy-dress evening, quiz night, presentation night and the after-match presentations were very well supported by players and supporters.

The main event for the year was the Greek Football Club Legends Ball which was held in conjunction with the Western Warriors Football Club. It was at Football Park with 300 people attending.

2003 SA Amateur Football League Annual Report


2004 saw the home games move to Thebarton Oval. What a coup.  So now the WWFC had a secure home base.

Nick Mourcella was re-elected President along with George Evreniadis as Vice President. Jamie Pearce, a back-to-back Premiership player with Greek-Camden was appointed Coach of the A’s and George Charalabidis was re-appointed Coach of the B’s.

The Club thought that having Thebarton Oval as a home base might attract new players to the Club however that was not the case. 

Football was back at Thebarton Oval, however the WWFC had its work cut out in getting the premises ready for game day. Goal posts had to be erected and the wobbly score board needed numbers. A handful of Committee members had a busy bee and made the numbers at the President’s factory. The line marking was done by the SA Baseball League. The changerooms were a mess, leaks in the ceiling and half of the showers were not working. Previously stored metal lockers from the days of the West Torrens Football Club (many of which had famous past WTFC players names still on them) were restored and brought into the changerooms. Fortunately, many of Committee and players had trade backgrounds and were able to fix many of the changeroom issues.

With a new set of jumpers and plenty of players the WWFC was all set to play the season of 2004.

Prior to the commencement of the 1st home game of the season for the WWFC the West Torrens Council hosted a special ceremony at Thebarton Oval to unveil plaques on the two newer stands to honour Bob, Bill, and Ray Hank who were brothers and all of whom were Football legends who played for West Torrens Football Club. The older stand had a plaque unveiled in honour of Test and State Cricketer Phil Ridings, who played for West Torrens Cricket Club. Many invited guests along with past West Torrens footballers and West Torrrens cricketers witnessed the special moment.

After the formalities had concluded the WWFC B team ran onto the oval and commenced playing against St Pauls.

They B team won their game comfortably as did the A team winning by 5 goals, 14-16 to 9-16. The 2nd game the A’s won against Flinders Uni 14-5 to 5-9 and one noticeable player was Stephen Rowe and ex Norwood and Crows football player and Football commentator and drive-time sports host on radio. Stephen made the guest appearance playing on that day as he was an ambassador for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the WWFC were sponsors of the Foundation and donated monies to it each year.  During Stephen’s one and only game for the WWFC he dicked 5 goals in 3 quarters.  He top scored on the day and in the change rooms after the game was presented with the Club jumper as a thank you for playing on the day. 

The A’s finished bottom with 4 wins however, they were very competitive and played quality football against opposition teams with losing 5 games by 2 goals or less.

The B team finished bottom with 4 wins.

Terry Zervos was leading goal kicker for the A’s with 23 goals for the season.

As a special note: On Saturday 10th July 2004 The Western Warriors Football Club held  their Annual Ball at the Donato Function Centre, Kilkenny.  A special guest at the event was AFL Port Adelaide (Power) Captain, Matthew Primus who was an Ambassador for The Make-A-Wish Foundation.  Through the Foundation and on behalf of WWFC Matthew presented a laptop computer to a young lady who was being sponsored by The Make-A-Wish Foundation.  Additional funds were also raised for the Foundation prior to the event with at least five players and officials having their heads shaved, with one player having his pony tail that was half way down his back cut off.   

2004 SA Amateur Football League Annual Report

WWFC Season 2005

After being notified that the WWFC would have to vacate Thebarton Oval the search was on for another home ground.  It was bought to the attention of the Committee that Ovingham Oval might be an option as it had only one team and the WWFC could play there on alternate Saturdays and so Ovingham was the new base for season 2005.

George Evreniadis was appointed President and Jim Antonopoulos Vice President. Darren Butler was appointed Coach of the A’s and Jeff Kite coached the B’s.

L J Hooker Unley was the major sponsor.

In the 1st match of the year the A’s narrowly lost to Wingfield Royals 18-11 to 14-10. Their 1st win was against Athelstone 23-10 to 9-9 and followed up the next week with a win against Wingfield Royals 16-6 to 11-11.  The A’s next win came 4 weeks later against top 5 team Tea Tree Gully 14-8 to 9-10 and that was the last win of the year. They finished 9th with 3 wins and one game clear of the bottom position, however the table did not give a true indication of just how competitive the A team was during 2005.

George Moustakas won the A’s Best and Fairest

George Charalabidis won the B’s Best and Fairest.

2005 A Grade Match Reports

2005 B Grade Match Reports

2005 SA Amateur Football League Annual Report

WWFC Season 2006

The End of the Road

2006 was a year to remember for the wrong reasons.  It started off with another move to West Terrace at the Old Postal ground next to the West Terrace Cemetery.  That made 4 home grounds in 6 years.  The Club’s new landlord was Adelaide Cricket Club.

George Evreniadis was re-elected as President along with Jim Antonopoulos as Vice President.  Barry Gavranich was appointed A Grade Coach and Jeff Kite Coach of the B team.  That’s 6 Coaches in 6 years.  The A’s were struggling during the season against good sides losing by an average of approximately 100 points each game.  Their first win came from a game against Wingfield Royals when the WWFC won by default 2-7 to 0-00.  The B’s faired better after the 9th round with 3 wins and six losses.

During the following week tragedy struck the Club with the Secretary, League Delegate and well-respected player, Sam Nicholas passing away unexpectedly. It was the darkest period of the WWFC and all officials, players, supporters and friends were in shock.

The B team was granted an exemption by the Amateur League to forfeit their game for the following Saturday. Moving on from that, the Club decided to forfeit all the remaining games for the B team for the 2006 season.

The following Saturday the WWFC A team played a memorial game for Sam against Blackfriars Old Scholars and many past players, supporters and Sam’s B Grade team mates attended.  It was a tough and brutal game and a few players were reported and with many WWFC players displaying their frustration and wanting to win for Sam.  The WWFC lost the game 33-26 to 3-5. 

The WWFC decided to retire the B team as fielding a B team was getting increasingly impossible.

The A team ended up bottom with 1 win for the season.  The B team finished 2nd to bottom, bearing in mind that the B team did not play the last 9 games of the season. 

The reality of Football Clubs in the modern era is such that junior programmes are necessary to feed into senior competitions. This was beyond the capability of the Committee of the WWFC and its connections. It was a significant and memorable time for many people but without well-meaning volunteers it became impossible to continue. The fact that the Club could not develop its own home base also made it difficult to attract players.

The WWFC was formed with the vision in mind that would allow the children and their friends of past GFC players the opportunity to play football together as their fathers had done, however towards the end of 2006 it became apparent that the support from Committee and players was not going to be enough to sustain the Club for another season. This lack of support and commitment from key personnel and the loss of a significant Sponsor’s contribution was going to make it difficult to meet our future obligations. 

At the final meeting of the Club in 2006 a Committee could not be formed for Season 2007 and the Committee and members agreed to disband the Western Warriors Football Club.

It was left up to the President and Treasurer to wind up the Club and pay off all outstanding debts. These directions were followed and the Club informed the Amateur League that they would not be competing in the following seasons.

In its short life the Western Warriors Football Club displayed qualities that allowed it to be successful with comradery, and highly competitive football along with friendships being formed many of which are still maintained to this day.


2006 Acknowledgements and Committee

2006 Match Reports

2006 SA Amateur League Annual Report