1990 Articles

 What a Year!! The year 1990 was remembered as one of the most enjoyable and successful periods in the Greek Camden Football Club’s history.

Stan Condous was elected President and Shane Reardon was appointed Senior Coach, with Terry Evreniadis as his Assistant and Terry also coached the B Grade. Dave Coleman was C Grade Coach but unfortunately due to injuries in the A and B Grade squad, the C Grade was withdrawn from the competition.

Shane’s appointment was met with enthusiasm and helped retain the Club’s senior players. From the outset the Coach was determined in his endeavor to mould individuals, with a mixture of experience and new blood into building a competitive team.

Greek Camden supplied 7 players to the State Team – Olaf Bode, John Economou, Tom Hank, Harry Kyriacou, Michael Morgan (Captain against Victoria) Rob Morrell and Simon Sapranidis.

Leading up to the finals Greek-Camden were undefeated.

The September finals are now in Shane’s sight. Once again negative publicity about the Club reared its ugly head. An anonymous letter was sent to the SAAFL regarding allegations of the Club offering player payments. Ironically no other Amateur Club was accused of this, just Greek Camden.  In no time the Club was fronting the Amateur Status Tribunal with the final result of all charges being quashed.

Now back to the Finals.  Greek Camden played and defeated Riverside in the second semi 14-8 (92) to 7-13 (55) at Alberton Oval.

Best players were S Sapranidis, S Reardon K Spirou, R Young, S Phillis and H Kyriacou.

Goal Kickers S Reardon 4, P Young 3, K Spirou 2, N McCormack1, A Raman 1, S Phillis 1, G Dart 1 and L Reilly 1.

The pressure was now on Greek Camden to win the Grand Final and go through the season undefeated.

The last Club to achieve this was West Adelaide United in 1936.

It was Greek Camden versus Riverside. The game was played at Alberton Oval in front of a large crowd (3,500 people approximately).

Greek Camden outplayed Riverside and was in control from the outset. During the game Greek Camden were 9 goals ahead and to their credit Riverside fought back to reduce the deficit at the final siren to 33 points.

Final scored Greek Camden 18-12 (120) to Riverside 12-15 (87).

Best players N McCormack, S Sapranidis, O Bode, H Kyriacou, M Morgan.

Goal Scorers K Spirou 4, W Stockman 3, S Reardon 3, T Hank 2, N McCormack 2, R Morrell 1, G Dart 1.

Celebrations of the victory continued throughout the week highlighted by a civil reception at the Adelaide Town Hall, given by the Lord Mayor of Adelaide, The Honourable Steve Condous (a passionate supporter of the Club).

This event was attended by players, Club members, Coaches, and League dignitaries.

A most memorable occasion.

Undefeated in 1990.

An Unforgettable Year!!

1990 SANFL Score Sheets