1982 Articles

1981 was a year to forget after achieving the “wooden spoon”. The first and only for our A team in the history of the Club since 1961.

The experience of playing last year in Division 1 set a strong foundation for what was to follow in years to come. 

Mike Varvounis stepped down as President after having served the Club with passion and finesse at the helm for 5 years in a row.

Steve Condous was elected President for 1982 and brought with him a new look Committee which took the Club in a new direction.

The Committee showed faith in Bob Alexander and he was re-appointed Captain/Coach. Nick Skopelitis was B Grade Coach and a Club veteran from the mid 60’s in the United Church League. Gary Hildebrand was named Coach of the C’s in A8.

The Club was back in A2.

The first game was against S.H.O.C. at Weigall Oval on 17th April 1982.  Scores were Greek 10-16 (76) to S.H.O.C. 10-5 (65).

One outstanding recruit was Ken Crane who had recently retired from Woodville.

The A’s went on their merry way winning the first 6 games and ended the minor round in 2nd position with 13 wins and 5 losses. – Greenacres ended top.

The second semifinal was played at Alberton Oval.  Having lost their previous 2 games to Greenacres the scribes had given the Greeks NO CHANCE of winning.  A score line that no one thought possible would happen AND IT DID!! 

 A victory to the Greeks by 95 points. 

Greek Football Club 21-17 (143) to Greenacres 7-6 (48). “UNBELIEVABLE”. (All played well).

Goal scorers:- Ray Klavens 7, Phil Holbrook 3, Ken Crane 3, Cos Farinola 2, Robert Alexander 2, Sotis Kaselouris 2, Con Papaconstantinou 1, Rob Jonasson 1.

The Greeks are now back in A1 in 1983!!!

Now the focus was on winning the Premiership.

A shock result in the Preliminary Final – Rosewater defeated the Minor Premiers Greenacres.

So, it is the Greek Football Club versus Rosewater Football Club for the Premiership.  The home and away result was one win each. This was going to be tough.

Back to the game.  The Greeks were favorites to win, but anything can happen. Rosewater kicked the first goal but after that the Greeks were never headed with a healthy lead at half time.  Our third quarter was poor, kicking 5 points in a row, which upset the President and Commentator to the point that he had to turn the microphone off. His commentary was something to behold!!

Rosewater kicked the first goal in the last quarter – the margin now 21 points. The Greeks, however, steadied to win comfortable 17-11 (113) to 9-16 (70).  Our first flag in 14 years and our first in Amateur League.

Goalscorers:- Bob Alexander 6, Ken Crane 5, Phil Holbrook 3, Con Papaconstantinou 1, Ian Hawkes 1 and Sotis Kaselouris 1.

Best players:- Ian Hawkes, Ian Davey, Robert Alexander, Sotis Kaselouris, Chris Dimitrakopoulos, Ken Crane, Robert Targa and Con Papaconstantinou.

A big disappointment on Grand Final Day was the non presentation of the Premiership Shield by the S.A.A.F.L. It robbed the Club of its moment of glory on Grand Final Day. What a joke!!! Was there a more sinister reason for this oversight???

Never the less celebrations went on. A great win for all.  The monkey’s off our back!

The C team made the finals for the first time, but lost the 1st semi final by 2 points (on the last kick of the day) to Rosewater. Well done to Gary and his Team.

1982 saw the formation of the Greek Past Players Association, the introduction of the Past Player’s Roast (hanging). The first two sent to the gallows were Tom Frossinakis and Tom (Tam) Melios.

All social functions throughout the year were well attended and successful.

Major functions were:-

The 21st Annual Ball at the Adelaide Town Hall

The 21st Birthday Fancy Dress at Weigall Oval Clubrooms

Premiership celebrations that went on and on ……..

The Trophy Presentation Night (the Shield was present)

The end of Year Trip to Surfers Paradise.

1982 A Grade Team Sheet and Games

1982 B Grade Team Sheet and Games